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Established at Department of Information Technologies


A Proactive Threat Mitigation Seminar

  Proactive Threat Mitigation seminar by Dr. Akshay Pottathil at Czech University of Life Sciences Pra...


The Center for Data Analytics and Intelligence (CENDAI), established at the Department of Information Technologies Faculty of Economics and Management at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (FEM CULS), is an international research, development and consultancy platform. The Center has been founded in cooperation with San Diego State University's Center of Information Convergence and Strategy in the United States. The Center also involves the members of the International Relations OfficeDepartment of Information Engineering, Department of Systems Engineering and Department of Trade and Finance at Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague. The Center welcomes any suggestions for collaboration.

CENDAI creates an ecosystem for students, alumni, and faculty to network, collaborate and develop their ideas and support new innovative solutions addressing current challenges in technology, security, trade, finance and public affairs. The proposed activities build on the long-term strategy of the Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague.


The Center provides services to wide spectrum of partners among private companies, public organizations and government. 

  • Training & Certification Programs
  • Collaborative Research & Development
  • Market Research & Analytical Studies
  • Software Design & Development
  • Advanced Data Mining & Visualization
  • Geographic Information Technology Services (Spatial and Geo-Spatial Analysis)
  • Strategy Amendment Briefs


The Center leverages facilities operated by both founding organizations.Faculty of Economics and Management CULS provides HUBRU (Human Behavior Research Unit), a world-class laboratory for collaborative usability studies and Virtual Reality laboratory, Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (opening in 2018) and Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (opening in 2018).

CICS SDSU provides access to the Department of Geography at SDSU, which operates six laboratories; five computer labs and one physical geography lab. All labs (excluding the Physical Lab) are equipped with high-end computer workstations. Each computer has extensive GIS, Remote Sensing, statistical and modeling software resources including ESRI ArcGIS and related products, GRASS, ERDAS Imagine, ENVI, SPlus, and SPSS. Graphics software includes Adobe products along with various software utilities. 


The Center builds on current research and project activities of several departments of Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague and leverages international network of CICS. CENDAI also collaborates organically with other significant organizations at CULS such as Centre for Precision Agriculture.

CENDAI works in collaboration with San Diego State University's Center for Information Convergence & Strategy (CICS). CICS aims to catalyze and nurture the advancement of San Diego State University as a global leader in knowledge-driven, transdisciplinary thinking and solutions. CICS provides original research and practical technology solutions for integrated mining and analysis of heterogeneous data for diverse partners:

  • Unstructured text and other knowledge artifacts
  • Geographically referenced information
  • Longitudinal and cross-sectional multivariate data
  • Development of a novel executive graduate program in Information Convergence and Strategy
  • Seminars on topics related to information convergence and strategy for national/international audiences


GISM graduates

 The first batch of students graduated from the master's degree program in Global Information Securit...   More

Left of Boom IX Conference

 The ninth edition of the Left of Boom conference started on 21 June 2023 in San Diego, California, U...   More


Founders / Co-Directors

Dr. Miloš Ulman,
Founder & Co-Director

Dr. Akshay Pottathil,
Founder & Co-Director

Associate Directors

Dr. Jiří Vaněk, Associate Director,
Industry & Public Sector

Dr. Vlastimil Černý, Associate Director,
International Relations

Prof. André Skupin, Associate Director,
Data Visualization & Analytics

Assoc. Prof. Milan Houška,
Associate Director, Knowledge Engineering

Dr. Lukáš Moravec, Associate Director,
Taxes & Customs 

Dr. Josef Pavlíček, Associate Director,
Computer Vision & AI

  Jan Hucko   
  Dr. Jan Hučko,
Liaison Officer



Center for Data Analytics and Intelligence (CENDAI)


Faculty of Economics and Management
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Kamýcka 129
165 00, Praha Suchdol, Czech Republic

doc. Ing. Miloš Ulman, Ph.D.
Email: ulman@pef.czu.cz